Class AbstractLdapConnector

  • public abstract class AbstractLdapConnector
    extends Object
    This class works as a LDAP connector.
    • Field Detail

      • ctx

        protected DirContext ctx
        The directory context used internally.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractLdapConnector

        protected AbstractLdapConnector​(String url,
                                        String dn,
                                        String part,
                                        String secret)
                                 throws NamingException
        This constructor initializes a connection to a LDAP server. If the user DN and the user secret is not null, the connection is bound with this user credential. The user DN is a sub DN of the base DN and are concatenated internally.
        url - URL to the LDAP server
        dn - The base DN.
        part - The user part of the DN without the base DN.
        secret - The user secret.
        NamingException - on error.